JNewsLight: the lighter side of Jewish news

30 September 2007

JNewsLight - 1 October 2007

Click on the link above to hear the six-minute program, anytime.
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Stories reported:
Crocs rule as Yom Kippur shoe; Kiev artist builds shuls; 10 Impressive synagogues to inspire prayer; Ambassador Madonna??; Dylan attends Yom Kippur services.

06 September 2007

JNewsLight - 7 September 2007

Click on the link above to listen the the seven-minute program, anytime!

Stories reported:
American idol: Moses; Prescribing surfboards for peace; Obama-kes; For kosher emergencies, manna from a machine (find the full text at your library); Why geeky Jewish males are suddenly hot property; Suspense builds around Brewers' Braun.

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